Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekly Update 4-14-08

It rained on us while we were taking our morning walk so I have a little more time to get this update off as Sister Bishop is going to have to do something with her hair now (her words not mine). Our big adventure for last week was when we had arranged to pick up Kennedy (one of the young men getting ready for his mission) to get his wisdom teeth extracted. He was going to take transport of some kind and meet us at Salama as we came out of the upper hills. He wasn't there but fortunately we were able to reach his cell phone and he said he would meet us in Sultan Hamad but we ended up driving all the way to Emali and still had to wait 20+ minutes for his bus to arrive. It had broken down and they wouldn't refund their money so he had to wait for the replacement to show up. We did get back to Nairobi before dark but just barely.

Sister Bishop has a namesake in the Kilungu Hills now as Francis & Sarah called us last Friday to announce the birth of their daughter and wanted to know if we would come to their home to give her a name and a blessing. After getting permission from President Mbondo we stopped on our way home Thursday and found that when he said give it a name he meant for us to use our inspiration to determine what that name should be. I picked the female name that means the most to me and they seemed pleased so now there is a Barbara Kamende Wambua living in our beloved hills. I get the feeling that there are not many young ladies with the christian name of Barbara in all of Kenya as I see the reaction when people hear the baby's name. She sure is a cutie and as a note of interest Sarah was home with only her two young daughters ages 2 and 5 when the baby was born. She just did it on her own and didn't quite understand what the big deal was when Sister Bishop expressed her amazement. They are going to make the walk to the clinic at Kikoko in 30 days so mother and child can have a check up.

The Temple classes continue to progress with the few folks who do show seeming to be very committed but the numbers are still a little small. I did present the Sunday School Lesson at Kyambeke yesterday on the Covenant People and had several folks commit afterwards to be in attendance at our next class. We have Branch President training with the Mission President here in Nairobi this Wednesday then are sending 25 of the Young Single Adults to a regional conference in Eldoret Thursday through Monday. So the work continues to progress and we are staying busy.

The best news however is that the peace accord finally resulted in the announcement of a truly coalition government yesterday. Earlier in the week talks had broken down and the riots started again here in the Kibera Slums but the President and Prime Minister Designate got together away from the pressures of their respective parties and hammered out the final compromise which led to yesterday's announcement. That should ensure peace in Kenya at least until the next election in five years time.

I have been trying to load a few pictures the last few days but just don't seem to be able to get a good enough connection to accommodate that task. Not sure if that has to do with the school kids being on vacation for the month of April or what but I will keep trying whenever I get access to the computer and internet.

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