Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekly Update 8-25-08

Well last week was just as hectic as we thought it might be and it sure went by fast. There were a couple of bumps in what we had planned but we still feel like we accomplished a fair amount. I should be able to complete the documents from the medical folks today for Kennedy's visa application which is none to soon as he and Julius leave for the MTC on the 4th. I have been to the Dr. several times for information and we had to have him come in last Friday for another blood test but they assured me it would be complete by noon today.

We watched Presidents and Prophets for FHE and then had pineapple upside down cake by special request for a treat. We helped the other couples get registered for absentee ballots via our APO box a couple of weeks ago so this little Kenya contingent is set to support the candidate of our choice for the November election.

President Makiti called late Monday to tell us that we should not come there Tuesday so we took another day in town here to get those million little things wrapped up that just keep falling off our schedule because of time constraints. Wednesday was fairly normal except we did run out to the embassy to pick up mail (that generally takes a little over an hour but is well worth it when we can pick up notes from home as we did then). Thursday at Kyambeke was another full day as we had another new investigator show up. He is another neighbor of Julius (an active prospective elder who has brought several of his neighbors to church lately). I asked what had sparked his interest and he indicated that he had heard my few thoughts at Jane's funeral several weeks ago and just felt a different spirit. He asked at church yesterday when he could be baptized. We should have two of the 5 ready for interviews within two weeks and just need to spend a little more time on the laws and commandments with the others. I know it sounds just too easy for some of you other returned missionaries but because of the commute wrapped around our visits there it is the only way that the Lord can accomplish what he and the members have prepared these people for.

We picked up Sister Faith Joseph at the airport Thursday evening at about 2200 hours as she returned from her mission to SLC Temple Square. She attended the Mission Conference with us Friday and received her release from President Taylor during the noon break. Kennedy showed up after conference was over and we spent a little time at the Lab at the Saret Center getting his blood test accomplished. The couples were all invited to dinner with the Taylors and the Watsons that evening. Kennedy spent the night on our floor atop the sofa cushions as Faith was in our spare bedroom. We loaded our two guests and took them back to Kilili on Saturday. It was a real delight to see Faith welcomed home and it turns out that we were expected to attend the small family gathering at her parents home so our day was much longer than we anticipated.

I was able to finish the mid-year audit with President Makiti before leaving and we finalized their plans for coming to Nairobi on Wednesday for their passports, yellow fever shots, interviews with the President on their recommends, and even to get one of the couples married (the church requires that those who have been married by tribal conditions have a Kenyan marriage certificate to ensure that they are not doing anything that the country doesn't endorse). Several of the brothers working at the Service Center are also Bishops and are certified to perform civil ceremonies so we can accomplish that while the people are here. It was after 1900 hours when we got home Saturday so it was a rather long day and we did not get any of our normal preparation day activities accomplished. Thankfully we are in Nairobi on Mondays so can pick up the slack on these occasions as my companion does not like it much when I start looking through the laundry bag to find a clean shirt for the day.

Yesterday we were at Kyambeke for church. One of Sister Bishop's keyboard students accompanied the music on her keyboard and did a reasonable job. She lost her confidence so just did it with one hand but it was a great start and is indicative of the impact for good my companion is having. President Mbondo wants to bring the young people from that branch into Nairobi for an outing before there school break is over next week so they will probably be here Thursday. We should probably be here when they come but really feel obligated to be there for our investigators and the multitude of classes we are conducting there so we are thinking that is what will happen. We will try to coordinate for the Bomas Village Show and any other acitivities they are planning today or Wednesday after our shift at St. Marys.

Well the daydawn is breaking and the world awaking so I need to get about a few of the activities on todays schedule. I had David come early to wash our car as it did rain a little yesterday the other side of Kyumbi while we were on one of the deviations so our vehicle looks like a rolling mud ball. Since Sister Bishop requires that I wear clean shirts I figured I had better make the truck some what presentable also. I will try and catch up with a few pictures of recent activities before the week is out. Thanks again for your notes and prayers.

Sister & Elder Bishop

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