Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weekly Update 11-29-08

Yes I am just a little late this week but it is really not because we are lazy or in trouble just a lot going that prohibited us from spending the few minutes it takes to report. To start with it is now official we are the senior couple in the Kenya/Nairobi Mission as the Dickmans returned to San Diego on the 17th. However because the majority of the couples are only here for 18 months we are not the next to go home but our release date did make it on the last calendar that we received from the Mission Home. It is June 30th give or take a week or two. The President can work within that window without needing approval from the Area Presidency. Is there anything that we need to be home for? We know our kids are planning a family reunion. Do you have any dates set yet? We are also aware of the Bushman Couples Activity and I think that Nancy and Gary are hosting a Bishop Reunion in July? Any input would be helpful.

Now as to what we have been up to. The previous was pretty much like many of the others we have enjoyed while here so nothing terribly memorable. Our extra minutes were occupied with finalizing visa applications and tickets for the temple trip and securing some prices on some equipment we have gotten approval on to install some irrigation equipment on a joint shamba of several members in Kilili. The highlight for last week had to be the Branch Conference at Kyambeke last Sunday. Elder and Sister Watson were there along with the Taylors so they got to experience the driving conditions we endure each trip. They even saw some of the wilder areas we get to enjoy as the road was blocked on our return so it was either sit for hours or drive through the bush. The Branch was there in force and were very impressive with their efforts to conform to church guidelines for staffing etc. President Taylor commented that this is the first conference he has attended where they actually had Aaronic Priesthood Presidencies.

We picked up Judith from her aunt's home on Outer Ring Road enroute home as we had scheduled Dr. and DDS appointments for Monday. She turns 21 in May of 2009 so her mission papers can go in by February. We returned her to her aunt's Monday and picked up Sister Joseph who had been serving a temporary mission here in Nairobi as they had an odd number of Sisters for 6 weeks. She stayed with us Monday evening and presented our FHE for us (it was our week to host). She returned to Kilili with us on Tuesday. Because of a couples conference at the Presidents home on Thursday (Thanksgiving) we had not scheduled anything in Kyambeke for this week but we have 7 investigators we are working with so I went up Wednesday to talk about the "Plan of Salvation" and return Elder Charles Mutuku, who had been serving a mini-mission during the same time period as Sister Joseph. After the discussion there I picked up Elder Dominic Mukau, who is going to serve a mini-mission in Chyulu, so he could come back to Nairobi. We got about half way home when I got a call from the 1st Councilor in Kyambeke that one of the sisters there had been to the Hospital in Kikoko and they had referred her to a hospital in Machakos. Charles and I turned around and loaded Pius, his wife Christine, (who we baptized about a year ago) and a Mid-wife in the back seat of our vehicle and headed off the back of the mountain. She had been in labor since 7:30 that morning and had pains pretty regular during the hour and a half drive to Machakos. Pius was nervous about being alone so we stayed around while the baby was delivered via c-section. It was a boy and I am sure he will be spoiled rotten as his next sibling is a 15 year old sister. In Kenya these are referred to as baby's of luck as they are blessed to have another child.

Charles and I finally got back to Nairobi at 9:00 and we went by Outer Ring to pick up Judith again as her TB test had to be read to finish up her medical. We then took her for a chest x-ray. I dropped Sister Bishop off at the apartment as she still had to prepare the mashed potatoes for our meal at the Presidents and I returned Judith to her aunt's. We barely made it to the President's for the 1:00 meeting. Friday was a regular day back at Ilima but we left just a little early as we still had to pick up visas etc. for our trip on Monday. We were able to get back in time so now we have everyone's tickets, passports, and visas for our 7:30 flight to Johannesburg on Monday (Victor is picking us up at 5:00 so we can get to the airport on time). The 11 folks from Kilili who we are escorting to the temple are traveling here after church tomorrow and the young people need to meet with President Taylor tomorrow evening for his endorsement on their limited use recommends. This might sound a little hectic and chaotic but it is really rather organized when compared to the last few groups that have went from the mission here. These people just don't get too excited and are not very timely in their responses so that means tha sis. Bishop has to do all the worrying for them. I love my companion!

Well Sister Bishop has a perm appointment and my hair needs trimmed before our trip (we don't want to go looking like people from the bush or what others might call Bushman) so I need to sign off. Besides we need to run a check to Machakos for the irrigation project and pick up Judith one more time as she is going to the temple with us on Monday. We will be attending church in Kilili tomorrow and she wants to go home so she can ride in with her folks tomorrow evening. Because we will be in Johannesburg until late Friday it will probably be Saturday before our next update. Thanks for the prayers as we can sure see that the Lord blesses us as we struggle with our assignment here.

Elder & Sister Bishop

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