Monday, May 18, 2009

Pictures 5-16-09

Macarius' baptism. Note that the water was below my knees so that my underclothes did not even get wet but the water was such that you could not see the bottom of the font.

Monica and her grandaughter Faith at her kiosk in Kilili. We generally get some vegetables and bananas from her each Tuesday when we visit there. She is the wife to the 2nd councilor in the Branch Presidency and one of our most regular English students. They are raising their grandaughter as her mom is single and lives in Nairobi.

We stopped to see Mwendwe one last time after working at St. Mary's this week. The Sisters there say she is doing great and would not be surprised if she didn't start talking one day. She sure looks a lot happier and healthier. We dropped her grandfather off at the hospital in Kioko as we came home Friday. His health seems to be failing.

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